Hurricane Season 2023

Business Connectivity Issues
Republic Voice and Data Will Assist Your Company with Business Connectivity Concerns
Protect your business:
Businesses need to have a plan to protect their property, their data, and their employees during Hurricane Season, which runs from June 1 through Nov. 30.
Following is a list of reminders to help businesses prepare for severe weather, to operate in the aftermath and to recover from any damages.
Before a storm hits:
- Know the best way to contact your employees.
- Establish a mass notification system so you can notify and get in touch with employees quickly and easily.
- Protect your business assets. (Take steps to protect your equipment, supplies, products, networks, data and so on. Cover your property and raise it above floor level, when possible.)
- Identify how you will protect important business documents and inventory that is vulnerable to water damage.
- Have an emergency business plan that enables operations with various employees at different locations.
- Backup your data offsite and consider using Cloud based systems. This should include payroll and other systems.
- Keep employees and customers aware of your plan.
- Identify a list of available post-disaster resources that you may need to call upon if you need help in reopening your business or obtaining emergency funding to repair damaged property.
- Be sure you know the address of all of your buildings, including storage facilities.
- Be sure you have an evacuation plan for each facility.
- Use sandbags to prevent flooding at all entrances.
*Source is Pasco County Economic Development Council
Many of the above items can be addressed by connecting with Republic Voice and Data (813)984-0800, option 5.
We look forward to assisting you!